JholaXL Buyer

JholaXL Buyer

For Professional Buyers.

like hotels, restaurants and similar industries.

Why JholaXL?

JholaXL Order Delivery

Put all your suppliers in one place.

Your orders and paperwork will be organised.

Manage branches, franchises or internal suppliers.

Analyze fine tuned insights.

Free ordering platform.

Premium version is also available.

Download now on the

App or Play Store!

JholaXL App Store Badge
JholaXL Google Play Badge

Request for a Demo!

We will provide you a demo upon your request to showcase all of these aspects that we have claimed here.

Process Overview

Sign up and create JholaXL Buyer account.

Request suppliers to join JholaXL Warehouse account.

Search & Connect suppliers using the 'Seller Links' option.

Register and Manage your outlets and internal suppliers.

Reduce employee training and paperwork.

But wait there is more...

You can do more with your orders.

JholaXL Order Comments

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JholaXL Sales Activities

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JholaXL Order Status

Check & Update Status


Connect with


  • Record in-house sales
  • Print Bills
  • View Sales Reports
  • and Other Related Tasks
Learn More…

Push Notifications

Get notified about all important events and activities.


Activities report in much more detail.

  • View order history.
  • View mostly consumed products.
  • and other valuable data.
JholaXL Insights